Saturday 6 September 2008

Amy Winehouse - Bestival Site Bouncing Back From Heavy Storms

The Bestival site was hit by a "vast storm" earlier this hebdomad but is in just shape, according to fete organiser Rob da Bank.

The three-day event, held at Robin Hill Country Park on the Isle of Wight, celebrates its fifth birthday this year with performances from My Bloody Valentine, Amy Winehouse, Hot Chip, Aphex Twin and Underworld.

But the festival conservator and DJ has revealed on his blog for that he and his team had been initially fearful of Bestival 2008's success, due to poor weather on Tuesday September 2nd.

"There was a huge storm last night that raged all night scaring whatsoever crew staying onsite in their tents," he wrote on Wednesday.

"But then the sun came out and we're acquiring sunburnt again.

"With everything from gales to blistering sun forecast for the weekend I've give up on making predictions. I've got shorts and a sou'wester for whatever eventuality."

Da Bank added: "The theme for this year's show is 30,000 Freaks Under The Sea so if it rains the masks, snorkels and shells should come in handy!"

Winehouse is scheduled to headline the festival on Saturday September sixth but after she failed to wrench up for the Rock En Seine event in Paris utmost month - with the organisers later on threatening her with legal action - her appearance at Bestival is less certain.

However, writing on the Bestival website forum, Rob da Bank assured festivalgoers that the Back to Black principal is still expected to perform.

"Regarding Amy, simply, I do not have any more info as of today (September 2nd)," he wrote, "I am in contact with her federal agent and managing director and we'll know what's happening after the weekend."

"If she can't do the gig, rest assured I do have a identical good backup plan. Have we ever let you down?"

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